Unlocking Support for Veterans: Explore Mission United’s Impact

Mission United

At Heart of Florida United Way, our commitment to supporting veterans extends beyond Memorial Day. Through our Mission United initiative, we’re making a real difference in the lives of those who served our country. 

What is Mission United? 

Mission United is dedicated to guiding Veterans through the complex systems of support available to them. From legal assistance to employment support and education resources, Mission United identifies gaps and creates meaningful change for veterans and their families. 

How Does Mission United Help? 

  • Legal Assistance: Protecting Veterans’ rights and ensuring their voices are heard. 
  • Employment Support: Connecting Veterans with job opportunities and facilitating their transition to civilian careers. 
  • Education Resources: Providing pathways to education and training, empowering Veterans to achieve their goals. 
  • Family Support: Extending assistance to Veterans’ families for comprehensive care and support. 
  • Healthcare Access: Facilitating access to healthcare services to prioritize the well-being of those who served our nation. 

How Can You Support? 

By donating to Heart of Florida United Way, you’re standing up for the basic needs of every person in Central Florida—including your community’s heroes. Your contribution helps us continue to support Veterans and their families through Mission United. 

Get Connected. Get Help. 

If you’re a Veteran in need of assistance or know someone who is, reach out to Mission United through our 211 Information and Referral Line. Our dedicated and well-trained team is here to connect you to the resources and support you deserve. 

Get Connected to Mission United 

Whether you’re in need of assistance or looking to support our mission, Mission United is here for you. Contact 211 to connect with our team and access the support and resources you deserve.
