Empowering Families with Early Intervention: How Help Me Grow Transforms Lives in Central Florida

Help Me Grow

At Heart of Florida United Way, we believe in the power of early intervention to create lasting change for families in our community. Our comprehensive program, Help Me Grow, is dedicated to helping parents identify and address developmental and behavioral concerns in their children, ages 0 to 8.  

Understanding the Help Me Grow Program 

Help Me Grow is designed to provide parents with the tools and resources needed to screen their children for developmental issues as early as possible. Early identification of these concerns is crucial for ensuring better short- and long-term outcomes. Here’s how Help Me Grow can make a difference for your family: 

  • Comprehensive Screening: The program offers a variety of developmental screenings that are easy to access. Parents can request a free screening by contacting Heart of Florida United Way’s 211 Information & Referral Line and asking for Help Me Grow or visiting the Help Me Grow website
  • Early Intervention: By identifying developmental delays and disabilities early, Help Me Grow connects families with local services and support in Orange, Osceola, Seminole, and Polk counties. This early intervention is key to providing children with the best possible start in life. 
  • Consistent Support: Once a family is assigned a Help Me Grow representative, that representative remains their contact throughout the process. This ensures consistency and support as families navigate early childhood screenings and services. 
  • Advocacy and Education: Help Me Grow supports parents in advocating for their children’s rights within the school system. This includes educating parents about the accommodations and specialized services that schools are required to provide. 

Real Impact, Real Stories 

The impact of Help Me Grow is best illustrated through the stories of families who have benefited from the program, like the Gonzalez family
When the Gonzalez family faced uncertainty about their daughter’s development, Help Me Grow program helped them screen their daughter and find services. Before Help Me Grow their daughter only said a handful of words, now she’s communicating more than ever.  

Accessible and Inclusive 

Help Me Grow is open to all families, with no criteria such as income limits or immigration status preventing access to the program. The goal is to ensure every child has the opportunity to reach their full potential, regardless of their background. 

How to Get Started 

Parents do not need to wait until they have concerns to contact Help Me Grow. The program offers a variety of developmental screenings for different ages and can support parents in assessing early childhood development across multiple stages. Here’s how you can get involved: 

  • Call 211: Contact Heart of Florida United Way’s 211 Information & Referral Line and ask for a Help Me Grow Screening. Dial 211, text your zip code to 898-211, or chat with 211 online
  • Request a Screening Online: Visit the Help Me Grow website to request a screening. 

Join Us in Supporting Central Florida Families 

Help Me Grow is more than just a program; it’s a lifeline for families navigating the complexities of early childhood development. By supporting Help Me Grow, you are contributing to a brighter future for our community’s children. 

Make your donation today so we can continue to support families in Central Florida.  

This program is funded in part by a grant from the Florida Department of Health and other generous donors. 
