what we’re up to

Heart of Florida United Way

Mission United PushUp Challenge

Heart of Florida United Way has announced the launch of the Mission United PushUp Challenge. The rules are simple: do 20 pushups–without resting or stopping–or donate $20 to Mission United….

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Heart of Florida United Way

Credit 101

If you’ve ever applied for a loan or financing, such as when buying a car, you’ve probably been asked about your credit score. However, according to a recent survey, the…

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Pushup Challenge Mission United Banner

Mission United Pushup Challenge

Heart of Florida United Way has announced the launch of the Mission United Pushup Challenge. The rules are simple: do 20 pushups–without resting or stopping–or donate $20 to Mission United….

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Take a Stand For Healthy Habits

The perils of prolonged sitting have been widely documented. A sedentary lifestyle significantly increases the chances of developing cancer, heart disease and type 2 diabetes. If these facts are enough…

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Charting the Course

In September, Heart of Florida United Way announced a fundraising goal of $19 million for 2015-2016 at the “Charting the Course” Corporate Leadership Breakfast at the DoubleTree Downtown Orlando. As…

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United Way at Work: YMCA Achievers

When speaking with Mina Ford, Executive Director with YMCA of Central Florida Teen Achievers, her passion is contagious. This is more than a job to her and YMCA Achievers is…

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10 Fall Activities for $10 or Less

Fall is finally here! The blistering heat of summer has faded away which means there are plenty of fun fall activities happening in the area. Here are 10 fall activities…

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Desk Emergency Kit

We all know those flawless women who can spend the day in a slim white sheath and look impeccable no matter how stressful  the day is. For the rest of…

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Student Loan Repayment 101

With college graduation comes celebration and relief. But after the parties end, reality sets in. For 40 million Americans, student loans are a necessary evil in order to pursue higher…

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