
Blog Image Winterfest 2020

Heart of Florida United Way Partners with Orlando Winterfest to Bring Aid to Hospitality Tourism Workers Impacted by the Economic Consequences of COVID-19

The economic consequences of COVID-19 have taken a toll on the Central Florida economy, particularly the hospitality and tourism industry. As one of the primary drivers of the local economy, this industry has experienced significant declines in visitation, bookings and traffic. As a result, many individuals have been left furloughed, laid off, or with reduced […]

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Diabetes is a life-long disease that affects the way your body handles glucose, a kind of sugar, in your blood. Your body changes most of the food you eat into glucose, which your body uses for energy. Your blood takes the glucose to the cells throughout your body. Your blood always has some glucose in it. […]

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Blog CM 2020

2020 Change Maker Impact Awards

Without question, 2020, and the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, brought more change and caused more disruption in our lives and communities than anyone could have anticipated. Despite this upheaval in our community, there are those who have stepped-up and stood out. They answered the community’s desperate call for help with support, compassion, bravery, and […]

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Blog Tax Incentive 2020

Important Tax Information: New Benefits of Charitable Giving in 2020

Helping your community just got easier. It’s never too early to begin thinking about your taxes. Looking for a bright spot while you complete the process for the year? Did you know that eligible taxpayers can deduct up to $300 in charitable contributions when they file for 2020? Heart of Florida United Way has consistently […]

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Cut out paper people and a Stethoscope

Lockheed Martin Corporation Supports Struggling Families with $175,000 Donation to Heart of Florida United Way’s ALICE Recovery Fund

In Central Florida alone there are 350,000 households that are working hard, but struggling to make ends meet. They are ALICE – or Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed. Heart of Florida United Way is focused on supporting ALICE families in Orange, Seminole and Osceola counties. When Heart of Florida United Way set up the ALICE […]

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CyberCrime Blog3


As more and more people continue to work from home, school from home, and even socialize from home, it has become even more important to secure our systems against online crimes. Cybercrime can affect anyone, so reinforcing your security after a crime has occurred is an important step to prevent revictimization.

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Jeff Message

A message from Heart of Florida United Way President and CEO, Jeff Hayward

With Governor DeSantis allowing the state eviction moratorium to expire, our community is now deferring to the CDC’s eviction moratorium to keep families impacted by economic consequences of the COVID-19 crisis from becoming homeless. Although the executive orders from the Governor provided a longer runway for some families to get back on their feet, there […]

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Orange County Cares for Nonprofits

Orange County Government, partnering with Heart of Florida United Way, has launched a program to help local nonprofits cover COVID-19 related expenses.

Attention Orange County Nonprofits! The Orange County Board of County Commissioners approved a total of $2.8 million to be available through the County’s Social-Service Nonprofit Fund Program. Eligible local nonprofits may apply for up to $5,000 in reimbursement funds for expenses related to the direct response to COVID-19. “Through our contractual agreement, Heart of Florida United […]

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Blog Template Bob Woodruff Grant

Heart of Florida United Way Receives Grant from Bob Woodruff Foundation to Assist Military Veterans in Tri-County Area Impacted by COVID-19

Heart of Florida United Way (HFUW) is one of 26 organizations across the United States to receive an NFL-Bob Woodruff Foundation (BWF) partnership “Healthy Lifestyles and Creating Community” grant. It’s been designated to the Mission United COVID-19 Recovery Fund to provide emergency financial assistance to ensure at least 20 post-9/11 veterans who’ve lost income due […]

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Blog Image Change Maker2

Change Makers Wanted!

Heart of Florida United Way Seeking Unsung Heroes & Change Maker Junior Nominations from Community through Sept. 23 Central Florida is a community that embraces all that it means to Live United – this year more than ever before. Through its mission, Heart of Florida United Way brings together the non-profit, public, and private sectors […]

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