
Gold Star Mothers Day

Gold Star Mother’s Day

Upcoming event with short deadline Some people are not aware that the last Sunday in September is designated as Gold Star Mother’s Day. Observing the day began in 1936, and has been expanded to be more inclusive by adding the surviving family members. This year it is Sunday, September 27. The Orange County Mayor’s Veterans Advisory […]

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Women Continue Fight for Equity

Women Continue Fight for Equity

100 Years After Women’s Suffrage, the Fight to Give Everyone a Voice Continues On August 26, people across the U.S. will celebrate Women’s Equality Day. It’s a time to celebrate the passage of the 19th Amendment, which granted women the right to vote, and honor the women who fought for that right. But as 2020 […]

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An important message from the President & CEO

Dear Community Ally, I hope you, your families and your work families are all staying safe and keeping healthy during these challenging times. It is my wish that the occasion of my letter was to discuss better times, but I’m afraid that’s not the case. Quite frankly, I’m worried. Whereas you are an important person […]

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Blog Image 2020 ALICE Report

2020 ALICE Report

Top 10 Things to Know About the 2020 ALICE Report We are living in historic times, and those households who are ALICE (Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed) are suffering unimaginably right now. The global pandemic COVID-19 has stricken a vulnerable part of our population who are fighting for their very lives.  Around the world, the risk […]

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Housing Crisis

Preparing for the Impending Housing Crisis in Central Florida – Bringing the Awareness to the Forefront We live in a community that supports one another in a time of need. This is one of the many things that makes Central Florida so special – its people. But now, the entire world is in an unprecedented […]

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Courageous Humility

Leading with Resilience in these Challenging Times The world is changing right before our eyes.  A global pandemic is affecting how we do business. Racial equality is again at the forefront of everyone’s thoughts. And gender rights are being addressed in our national government. Change is happening all around us, and it can be scary […]

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Dear COVID-19/ALICE Recovery Fund Applicant,

We understand what a difficult time this is for you and your family. In an effort to keep you informed, we wanted to provide you an update on your request for assistance. By receiving this communication, we are indicating that we have received your request from Heart of Florida United Way’s COVID-19/ALICE Recovery Fund and […]

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Blog Image Central Florida Strong

Power of being #CentralFloridaStrong

46% of Floridians are Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed (ALICE). They are one paycheck away from financial ruin. We are living during challenging times. But as we face the adversity around us, we have the power to do good. Right now, it is easy to feel isolated. But even though we are apart, we are […]

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Blog Template Virtual Volunteering

Are you up for the Challenge?

Supporting Our Community Over the next few weeks, we will be highlighting how you can get involved and volunteer from home to spread hope and lend a hand. Join the Challenge We have a few ways you can volunteer virtually to help our community come together and have a little fun while we are safely […]

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Community Response: COVID-19/Coronavirus

As the situation around the Coronavirus continues to evolve, Heart of Florida United Way wants to share a few important reminders as it relates to our service to the Central Florida community. Contribute to the ALICE FundIn Central Florida alone there are 350,000 households that are working hard, but struggling to make ends meet. They […]

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Blog Template Virtual Volunteering

Virtual Volunteering

Volunteering with Social Distancing As our community continues to social distance and shelter in place to protect one another from the COVID-19 virus, organizations are developing ways for individuals and families to help their global community from home. This Virtual Volunteering growth is connecting volunteers with organizations and programs in their local community and across […]

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ALICE Recovery Fund for COVID-19

Heart of Florida United Way Establishes Fund to Assist ALICE Workers Impacted by Economic Consequences of COVID-19/Coronavirus Heart of Florida United Way makes $100,000 initial investment; encourages other businesses to do the same   ORLANDO, Fla. (March 17, 2020) – In response to the COVID-19/Coronavirus pandemic, Heart of Florida United Way has established a fund […]

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