
Yolanda and Kari

Creating Change with Women United

A Decade of History Ten years ago, several prominent female leaders around Central Florida recognized the need for a philanthropic women’s group and the Women’s Leadership Council was born. They organized the first Women’s Leadership Luncheon and watched it grow from there. A decade later, the group has grown into the hundreds with measurable impact […]

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United for All

United for All

“United Way fights FOR the health, education and financial stability of every person in Central Florida.” But, United Way also fights AGAINST racism, bigotry, homophobia, xenophobia and hatred of all kinds. Our long-standing approach has been to unite members of caring communities to tackle challenging issues like poverty and discrimination, as well as remove obstacles […]

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Hurricane Harvey Blog Header

Hurricane Harvey Recovery Fund

  Watching the devastation caused by Hurricane Harvey often ignites a desire to help alleviate the burden of those who are impacted. Nightly the news shows images of seniors standing in chest-high water, children sleeping in shelters, families who realize that everything they own is now gone. However, trying to send food and supplies can […]

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Introducing Campaign Chair David Ruiz

David Ruiz is a prominent figure in the community and a representative of exactly what United Way aims to accomplish. As the retired UPS Florida President, he is now turning his expertise and passion towards serving as the 2016-2017 Campaign Chair. What are your passions? There are so many things that have been impactful to me […]

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Childrens Health Insurance

Advocate for Change: Children’s Health Insurance

The Health Insurance Landscape Health insurance has become a hot topic of discussion. While the U.S. Census Bureau reports that the rate of uninsured children stands at an all-time low of 4.8% nationwide, Florida has lagged behind with a reported 6.9% of children not covered. Overall, it’s good news that indicates things are headed in […]

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LUVC Blog Post Header

Celebrating $17.7 Million for the Community!

Live United Victory Celebration Bacon, eggs and fundraising! Today, Heart of Florida United Way celebrated the end of its 2016-17 Workplace Giving Campaign with the Live United Victory Celebration. Every year, employees from across Central Florida signed up for payroll deductions through workplace giving campaigns in order to invest in community programs supported by Heart […]

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The Power of 1,000 Women

Women’s Leadership Luncheon We are proud to announce that our milestone 10th annual Women’s Leadership Luncheon raised an impressive $197,345! The money raised will go back into the community to fund local education initiatives and help Title-I schools receive an online reader program. This program impacts over 6,000 students and gives them access to a […]

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Mental Health

Advocate for Change: Mental Health Care

Mental Health Awareness Month May is Mental Health Awareness month, yet many in Central Florida don’t realize there is a free resource available 24/7 that offers solutions to a range of mental health issues: the 2-1-1 Information and Assistance Helpline. Via call, text or chat, clients are able to connect with a 2-1-1 specialist who has […]

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Unique Ways

8 Unique Volunteer Ideas

This week marks the 43rd annual National Volunteer Week. Established by President Richard Nixon in 1974, this week is meant to inspire us all to band together and make a difference. Perhaps over the years, volunteer events have begun to feel repetitive; maybe you’re not as excited about pitching in as you used to be. […]

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My Free Taxes

MyFreeTaxes- File Online for Free

Haven’t filed yet? You’re not alone! Almost six million Americans still haven’t filed their taxes yet this year. With less than three weeks left until cut off, this staggering number is concerning to say the least. Anyone will tell you what a pain it is to file, but is that really a reason to avoid […]

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Day of Action 2017 Book Drive

Day of Action Book Drive 2017

Did you know? Middle-income neighborhoods have 13 books for every 1 child, but low-income neighborhoods have 1 book for every 300 children. This is a fact that many of you are probably familiar with. But here are some other facts that may be a little harder to swallow…   – Students who don’t read proficiently […]

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WLC Announces Speaker for 2017 Luncheon

Women’s Leadership Council Announces Jodi Picoult as Speaker for 2017 Luncheon This year we are proud to announce renowned author Jodi Picoult as our key speaker. Jodi (Nineteen Minutes, My Sister’s Keeper, Small Great Things) is a leader in the ranks of hard-working women. Along with being an award winning author (2013-2014 New Hampshire Literary […]

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