
Take a Stand For Healthy Habits

The perils of prolonged sitting have been widely documented. A sedentary lifestyle significantly increases the chances of developing cancer, heart disease and type 2 diabetes. If these facts are enough to motivate you to take action, then try incorporating these standing tips into your daily routine: Don’t skip the commercials. The magic of DVR has […]

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Homeless Services Network of Central Florida

The Homeless Services Network of Central Florida is the lead agency for the Continuum of Care of homeless services in Orange, Osceola and Seminole Counties. As a supporter of partner agencies working to improve lives in Central Florida, Heart of Florida United Way works to ensure area nonprofits know about opportunities in the communities like these […]

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Charting the Course

In September, Heart of Florida United Way announced a fundraising goal of $19 million for 2015-2016 at the “Charting the Course” Corporate Leadership Breakfast at the DoubleTree Downtown Orlando. As the largest funder of health and human services in Orange, Seminole and Osceola counties, United Way relies on local workplace giving as its primary method […]

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United Way at Work: YMCA Achievers

When speaking with Mina Ford, Executive Director with YMCA of Central Florida Teen Achievers, her passion is contagious. This is more than a job to her and YMCA Achievers is more than just a program; this is Mina’s calling. “When my son was in 7th grade, I was looking for a program for him to […]

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10 Tips to Get Ready for Back to School

It’s somehow August already, which means summer is winding down and the school year is looming closer and closer. Gone are the leisurely mornings and calm afternoons; instead, days will be filled with blaring alarm clocks, last-minute lunches and dashes for the bus. Make the transition easier on your kids (and yourself) with some preparation […]

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10 Fall Activities for $10 or Less

Fall is finally here! The blistering heat of summer has faded away which means there are plenty of fun fall activities happening in the area. Here are 10 fall activities for $10 or less. Orlando Area Parks When: Every day Cost: Free What to do: Orlando boasts over 40 parks, with many of them having […]

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Desk Emergency Kit

We all know those flawless women who can spend the day in a slim white sheath and look impeccable no matter how stressful  the day is. For the rest of us, sodas explode. Coffees get spilled. And clothes insist on wrinkling. With some preparation, you too can trick people into thinking you’re that constantly flawless […]

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Student Loan Repayment 101

With college graduation comes celebration and relief. But after the parties end, reality sets in. For 40 million Americans, student loans are a necessary evil in order to pursue higher education. Facing a large loan balance can be overwhelming and confusing, so it’s important to understand your loans and your repayment options. When do I […]

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Depression versus the Blues

May is Mental Health Month. As part of Heart of Florida United Way’s focus onhealth, we are featuring mental health articles and information on all of our social media platforms. To follow the conversation around mental health, follow us onTwitter & Facebook. Just about everyone has had a point in their lives when they felt […]

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Cashing In

This is the credo that Heart of Florida United Way lives by and this weekend’s Step Right Up! volunteer carnival was a perfect illustration of this belief. Despite threatening weather, nearly 350 people came out with their family, friends and co-workers to help make a difference by participating in hands-on volunteer projects and learning about […]

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Heart of Florida United Way concluded its 2014-2015 campaign last night with fanfare at the annual Victory Celebration. Campaign Chair Tony Massey, President of Massey Services, announced that the campaign exceeded last year’s total by nearly $300,000, with the final total reaching $18,502,184! Hundreds of workplace giving campaign participants attended the celebration at the Heaven […]

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Smiles For All

The Children’s Dental Education and Fluoride Varnish Project Offers Preventative Care to Local Students Michelle Lawton remembers vividly the moment she became a dental care advocate she had been working as a dental assistant at a local practice when a patient found out she needed over $7,000 worth of dental care and started to cry. […]

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