Below you will find links and educational resources for providing your newest family member with a healthy start. Click through the links below to learn more about how to best care for your baby, yourself, and your family.

AdventHealth for Women offers a whole person approach to health care that embraces women at every stage of their lives. The AdventHealth for Women care network includes eight Baby Place locations throughout Central Florida as well as an extensive support network for new parents including Birth Experience Coordinators, parent education, lactation services and more. Our world-class providers offer personalized expertise close to home. From well-woman checkups and mammograms to OB care and pelvic health, you’ll always have a choice of experts in a variety of specialties. And our specially trained Women’s Health Navigator helps manage your health throughout your lifetime by finding providers and helping to coordinate your whole family’s care. Our nationally recognized care is focused on delivering health care that is coordinated, comprehensive and convenient. Learn more at
AdventHealth for Women | Facebook
AdventHealth Women & Children (@adventhealthwomenandchildren) • Instagram photos and videos
Why Should I take a Childbirth Education Class?
Watch here!
Are you expecting and wondering if taking a childbirth education class is worth it or not? AdventHealth Celebration Birth Experience Coordinator, Heather Collins, RN, CCE is here to share some benefits of taking one. To learn more about our Childbirth Education Classes or to sign up, visit:
*Scholarships available for class payment assistance. If you would like to apply for one of our scholarships please call: 407-303-7341.
Food During Pregnancy
Watch here!
With the Summer season comes a lot of delicious dishes, but what is safe to enjoy when you’re pregnant? Nicole Jimenez, APRN in Kissimmee shares some expert advice to keep you and baby safe. To schedule an appointment with our expert providers, visit:

Disney Wild About Safety is an award-winning educational series to engage and educate children and families on a variety of safety lessons. The website contains informational videos, games and materials to learn about safety, health and environmental stewardship in a fun and engaging way.

At Johnson’s®, our mission is to help give every baby the healthiest start to life, regardless of race, geography, or income. In addition to our products, we are proud to offer resources to help support babies and their parents/caregivers aligned to this mission, including education tools to help guide parents to talk about racial bias with their children From the Start, and access to Expectful, a mental health app for before, during, and after pregnancy.
Application for free subscription:

You are not alone. Every day, hundreds of people across Central Florida turn to 211 for information and support—whether for financial assistance, health programs, crisis support and more.
You can access 211 by phone, email, chat or text (just text your zip code to 898-211). Reaching out will get you connected to a multilingual 211 specialist in your area who can put you in touch with local organizations providing critical services to improve and save lives.

The Bank On initiative is a nationwide campaign with the primary goal of providing every person the opportunity to have and keep a secure, affordable bank or credit union account.
Individuals who have access to secure, low-cost accounts are not only able to build their savings and credit scores, avoid financially draining fees like overdraft and insufficient funds. In addition, they do not have to turn to predatory lenders with high-interest rates or spend extra on check-cashing services. Ultimately, people can save and/or spend more of the money they earn, which significantly benefits their household and their community.

In order to support Central Florida students as they complete college, Heart of Florida United Way, in partnership with Seminole State College of Florida and the Central Florida College Access Network, has launched Destination Graduation – an innovative program which connects at-risk students to the resources they need to stay in school.

40% of people in the United States have skipped refilling a prescription due to cost. To address this, we’ve partnered with more than 600 other United Way agencies to distribute free FamilyWize prescription medication discount cards. On average, the discount card gives you a savings of 40%. There is no enrollment form or special requirements; simply show your card to the pharmacist when filling a prescription.
To request your card today, simply contact Heart of Florida United Way by dialing 2-1-1.
Download FamilyWize Card here

Help Me Grow is a program devoted to promoting healthy development for every child in our state. Help Me Grow (HMG) is a unique, comprehensive and integrated statewide system designed to address the need for early identification of developmental and/or behavioral concerns, and then to link children and their families to community-based developmental and behavioral services and supports.

Mission United is a collective effort that addresses the complicated and fragmented systems for veteran services currently in place. It is a community collaboration that serves as a central contact for veterans to access community support, ensuring that service members and their families are never more than two steps from the help they need. Mission United identifies gaps and creates systemic change in the areas of legal assistance, employment and education. For veterans and their families, help can be reached by dialing 211.
To get involved, email

Serving HIV/AIDS patients throughout Brevard, Lake, Orange, Osceola and Seminole counties, the Ryan White Program helps improve the quality of life for thousands of people each year. Care is coordinated through a network of seven AIDS service organizations (ASOs) and more than 200 service providers.
This program is for underserved groups, such as people who may be uninsured/underinsured or unable to pay for sometimes costly HIV/AIDS treatments.
If you have any questions regarding the Ryan White Program, please contact 407-429-2189.

UpliftED is committed to raising the attainment rate of college degrees and high-quality credentials in the Central Florida region. Through a focus on providing resources for access, persistence, and attainment we are working to make sure every student we serve has the chance to succeed.

VITA offers free tax help to those who make $66,000 or less and need assistance in preparing their tax returns. IRS-certified volunteers will provide free basic income tax return preparation with electronic filing. We also provide other essential information, like special tax credits you may qualify for to maximize your tax refund. If you qualify for the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC), you can get over $6,935 back.

The Early Learning Coalition of Orange County is dedicated to the success of every child in our community through early education.
Simply stated, we connect families and preschool programs to resources that provide every child with equal educational opportunities.
Children deserve the best start that we can give them. This means that we go beyond simply providing access to early learning. We also do all we can to ensure the highest quality of child care at all our providers’ locations. Because every child should have equal access to quality early education—and the opportunity to thrive.
For provider services information please call 407-841-6607 Monday through Thursday between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. and Friday between 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. or visit the Early Learning Coalition of Orange County offices located at 7700 Southland Blvd., Suite 100, Orlando, FL 32809.
Baby Institute:
Join us for fun, fellowship, learning, and laughter.
Connect with parents while learning how to work with your children through family rituals, traditions, and exciting activities.
Help prepare your children for learning success through the use of books, language, and play.
All families receive a full children’s library.
Baby Institute is currently offered in Parramore, Apopka, East Orlando, Oak Ridge, and multiple areas West of I4.

Young children need meaningful learning opportunities to develop skills, sense of self, and a foundation for learning throughout life. Good programs offer activities and services to promote each child’s physical, social and emotional development, as well as children’s cognitive development.
The purpose of the Early Learning Coalition of Osceola County is to develop, implement and monitor School Readiness and VPK Programs. The Coalition provides these programs and services for children ages birth to 5 years old and their families.

Our mission is to be the recognized authority in Seminole County for information regarding high quality school readiness and child care services which allow parents to make informed choices when selecting childcare providers. We carry out our mission through collaborative partnerships with early education and care professionals and concerned community leaders to:
- enhance the quality of school readiness services in Seminole County;
- promote community awareness of critical factors regarding early learning;
- provide scholarships for eligible low income children to attend child care centers; and
- increase participation in the Voluntary Prekindergarten program available to all four year olds in Seminole County.

Anne Packham,
Twitter. Facebook
In 2013, Primary Care Access Network, a 501c3 non profit, launched the Covering Central Florida initiative to educate residents about their rights and responsibilities for enrolling in health coverage as part of the Affordable Care Act. Covering Central Florida navigators are state licensed and federally certified to provide free, unbiased help to families who need assistance in enrolling and using health insurance. While their focus is Marketplace coverage, they also provide expertise in Medicaid and Kidcare enrollment. Our current team of navigators speak English, Spanish, Portuguese, Creole and Russian, and are available to work with families in-person, via phone or through Zoom. We cover Orange, Osceola, Seminole and Lake counties.

Healthy Start Coalition of Seminole County
820 W. Lake Mary Boulevard, Suite 108, Sanford, FL 32773
Facebook: @healthystartseminole
Instagram: @hscsc2014
Twitter: @HSCSC2014
The Healthy Start Coalition of Seminole County, Inc. consists of many members who together represent every aspect of our county. Our stakeholders are inclusive of the public and private sector, social services, public health, local medical societies, civic organizations, mental health, hospitals, education, consumer, and business sectors. Seminole County established its first Healthy Start Coalition in 1992. It operated successfully until 2008. In 2014, our current coalition was recognized by the State. We embrace utilizing a life-course “from the cradle to the grave” approach to improve the health of our families in Seminole; this approach includes a focus on health disparities particularly in the areas of infant mortality, low birth weight births, and preconception and inter-conceptional care. We recognize that much of this work is done within the community. The life-course model broadens the focus of maternal and child health to include not only health but also social justice. Many factors, that we focus on but are not limited to are socioeconomic factors, nutrition, and accessibility that have a disproportionately negative impact on racial and ethnic minorities. The Coalition adopted a new mission, purpose, and vision statement that will guide our activities and our commitment to our families. We will evolve and grow as we work to improve the lives of all our families. This will ensure that “every baby will blossom.”
English – Safe Sleep For Your Baby
This 10-minute video is part of the Safe to Sleep campaign (formerly the Back to Sleep campaign), an effort to educate parents and caregivers about ways to reduce the risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) and other sleep-related causes of infant death. The video portrays what a safe sleep environment looks like and describes other ways to reduce the risk of SIDS and other sleep-related causes of infant death. ]
Spanish – Sueño Seguro para su bebe
Este video es parte de la campaña “Seguro al dormir” (campaña anteriormente llamada “Dormir boca arriba”), un esfuerzo para educar a los padres y a los cuidadores sobre cómo reducir el riesgo del síndrome de muerte súbita del bebé (en inglés conocido como SIDS) y de otras causas de muerte relacionadas con el sueño. El video muestra cómo debe ser un ambiente seguro para poner a dormir a los bebés y explica cómo reducir el riesgo del síndrome de muerte súbita del bebé y de otras causas de muerte relacionadas con el sueño
Postpartum depression
Postpartum depression is a mood disorder that can affect women shortly before or soon after childbirth, but commonly begins within a month after delivery. This under-recognized and under-treated disorder can affect any woman of childbearing age.

Bellies, Babies and Beyond program is a Healthy Start initiative designed to work with women and their families before, during and after pregnancy, engaging pregnant women and continuing to serve the family through the baby’s second birthday. Families receive home visitation, case management, health education, perinatal depression screening, reproductive life planning, counseling and the opportunity to participate in male involvement workshops, among other activities, to ensure a healthy pregnancy, birth and developmental outcome.
Are you pregnant or thinking of becoming pregnant? Do you have a baby under 18 months?Are you a new father in need of support?
If so: Contact Bellies, Babies and Beyond Program for:
- Fun and educational parenting classes
- Case Management Services
- Fatherhood Empowerment
For more information call: 407-723-5292
Address: 5151 Raleigh Street Suite B, Orlando, FL 32811

741 W. Colonial Dr, Orlando, FL 32804
Facebook: Miracle of Love Inc
Twitter: @miracleloveinc
Instagram: @miracleofloveinc
LinkedIn: Miracle of Love Inc
Miracle of Love, Inc. (MOL) is an organization founded by Mr. Stafford in 1991 for the distinct purpose of providing accessible HIV/AIDS prevention programming and supportive assistance to service the multicultural needs of communities in Central Florida, namely Orange, Seminole, Lake, Brevard and Osceola counties.
Today, Miracle of Love, Inc. is a nonprofit corporation under the laws of the Internal Revenue Code Section 501(c)(3). This community-based minority HIV/AIDS organization is the oldest in Central Florida. MOL continues to be, with over 27 valuable and outstanding years of service, a repository for education, support, care, community advocacy, and referral services.
Mr. Stafford’s initial selfless vision continues to soar through MOL. MOL continues to provide cutting-edge health and wellness education for participants and recipients, incorporating cultural, linguistic and age-sensitive programming and services.
MOL has fostered and nourished strong relationships with other health prevention and treatment facilities, such as: The Orange County Health Department, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Orange County Government, and the Florida Department of Health Bureau of HIV.
In honor of Mr. Stafford, MOL opened an LGBTQ+ drop-in space at 711 Seminole Ave in Orlando, and named it Stafford House. Mr. Stafford, and his works will live on through the work done at MOL and through services offered at the Stafford House.
MOL offers Ryan White, Medical Case Management, HOPWA, TOPWA, HIV/STI testing, Support groups, Peer mentoring.

Jessamine Dr., Orlando, FL 32839
Twitter: @allstardads3
All Star Dads is a non-profit organization based in Central Florida with the mission of helping men become better dads by creating a network dedicated to the preservation of fathers as an influential presence in the lives of their children.
We’ve offered Boot Camp for New Dads classes to expecting fathers for over a decade now, helping over 11,000 dads in our community become more involved in the lives of their children. Our classes focus on the basics of caring for a newborn, creating a parenting team with their partner, being involved in the life of their child, any concerns that expecting dads may have and the many other cornerstones of fatherhood. In the last year, we’ve now begun expanding our non-profit to include other programs including a youth reading and male mentoring program that we’ll be launching before the end of the year.

1-888-540-KIDS (5437)
Facebook: FL KidCare
Twitter: @FLKidCare
Florida children from birth through the end of age 18 are eligible for coverage. It is free to apply and with year-round enrollment, the time to apply is always now. Begin your family’s application by clicking the pink ‘Apply Now’ button. Then Florida KidCare does the rest. Based on the age of the child, household size, and family income, we automatically match each child with their best fit of the four Florida KidCare programs – Medicaid, MediKids, Florida Healthy Kids, or the Children’s Medical Services (CMS) Health Plan. It’s that easy!

Facebook: 4C Florida
LinkedIn: Community Coordinated Care for Children, Inc. (4C)
Twitter: 4CFlorida
4C, a private non-profit 501(c)(3) corporation, was established in 1969 as a committee of the Community Services Council by the Orange County Government and United Way. In 1973, we were chartered as a separate organization. Our diligent commitment in providing high-quality services was recognized by the Council on Accreditation (COA) from 2003 to 2019. The international, independent and nonprofit COA partners with human service organizations to improve service delivery outcomes by developing, applying and promoting accreditation standards. 4C operates under a Board of Directors made up of community volunteers who establish corporate policy and provide direction for the agency.
Food Locator:
Our mission and our vision is to advocate and encourage healthy growth, nutrition, and development for children from newborn to age three. We intend to promote self- sufficiency for parents and their children who are at risk due to circumstances beyond their control by identifying their needs and providing the appropriate resources.