Summer Showers and Hurricane Hours: Summer Break Resources

Blog Summer Break Resources

It’s summer break! No school and just fun in the sun for many families, but for many ALICE families, that’s not the case. Summer break means losing resources that they depended on for most of the year, like free lunches. Luckily, Summer Break Spot is here to help support families who need those free meals for their children. 

Children can enjoy free breakfast, lunch, and snacks all summer long! If you are a parent looking for this resource: Visit Summer BreakSpot to search via address, city, or zip code, call 211, or text “FOOD” or “COMIDA” to 304-304 and find a pickup spot near you!  

Summer for Central Florida residents also means hurricane season has begun. As of June 1st, we are in hurricane season, and it will last through November, so now is the time to make sure that you are gathering necessary resources.  
Some ways that you can make sure that you are prepared: 

  • Sign up for weather alerts and warnings. Being aware of what storms may be on the horizon can help you to be better prepared, and not caught off guard. 
  • Practice emergency drills with your family and make a plan. has a step-by-step guide on how to make a family plan and includes other great resources for the hurricane season. 
  • Safeguard important documents. Physical documents can suffer when exposed to water, getting resources to keep those documents safe in case of an emergency is important 
  • Assemble and update your supplies: Make sure that the equipment you have is effective and working, and if anything needs to be replaced or get new batteries, to do it before it’s too late. If you can’t think of where to start, go through the Disaster Suppy Checklist
  • Make your home safer: Doing your best to prevent damage to your home ahead of time is critical in preventing serious damage, which can be expensive and take a lot of time to repair. 

Hurricane season is upon us, so brace for impact: but know that you’re not alone. Heart of Florida United Way is here to help you where we can. For more resources, call 211 and see what resources are available to you. 

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