211 Information and Referral Crisis Line

Celebrate 211 day graphic.

Celebrate 211 With Heart of Florida United Way 

Each February 11, Heart of Florida United Way comes together to celebrate 211 Day, shining a spotlight on this crucial resource and expressing our gratitude to our dedicated colleagues who keep it running. This year, we will commemorate 211 Day on Sunday (2/11).    Whether it’s a single mom struggling to feed her kids, a Veteran […]

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The Stigma of Suicide within Latinx/Hispanic Community: HFUW’s 211 Quality Assurance Manager Shares Insights and Resources

By Israel Navarro, 211 Quality Assurance Manager  The stigma of suicide can prevent people from seeking the help they desperately need, so as we find ourselves at the intersection of National Suicide Prevention Month and Hispanic Heritage Month, I want to shed light on a topic that often remains shrouded in silence within the Latinx/Hispanic […]

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Blog 211 Day

Heart of Florida United Way Celebrates 211 Day!

February 11 is 211 Day!  Every year, on February 11, we celebrate our 211 Information and Referral Crisis Line that connects our Central Florida community to information and resources for the essential health and human services they need.   211 is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and 365 days a year […]

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