Last week kicked off Hispanic Heritage Month. To celebrate, we asked our volunteers some questions about their rich heritage. Check out some of the responses from Heart of Florida United Way board members below, and join in the conversation by sharing your story on social media throughout the month.
David Ruiz – UPS (retired)

Why is it essential to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month?
Celebrating Hispanic Heritage month is essential because it gives us an opportunity to recognize and celebrate the many contributions and accomplishments of Hispanics that have enriched and impacted our culture and society. Hispanics have been and continue to be an essential thread that has helped weave the fabric of this great country of ours, The United States of America. If you step back and think about it the contributions that Hispanics make to our society cover all aspects of our lives. From running businesses, to the food we eat, the houses we live in, the music we listen to, the teaching of children, the doctors who care for us, and serving in government and on the Supreme Court, Hispanics impact every aspect of our day to day lives. Celebrating Hispanic Heritage month is not only an opportunity to recognize the contributions of Hispanics but it is also a great opportunity to learn about the various cultures, traditions, and cuisines of Hispanics.
What is one struggle you see affecting the Latinx people in our community and what solution would you recommend?
One area of struggle I see for Hispanics in our community as well as in our country is the lack of C Level and board member representation in corporate America. If you look at C Level and corporate boards of Fortune companies there is lack of representation of Hispanics. In many cases this is also the case in smaller businesses and organizational entities. It is incumbent on businesses and organizations to seek out and develop diverse talent that is reflective and representative of the communities that we serve and live in. It is also incumbent that we hold businesses and organizations accountable to include Hispanics and diverse leaders in their C-Suites and on their boards.
What legacy do you hope to leave on our society?
Certainly I aspire to be a good father, good husband, good son, good brother, good employee and good steward for our community. I believe all of this and more can be encompassed by simply being known as a Good Man or Good Person or Good People. I have often told others that what I aspire for people to say when my name is mentioned is Oh you know Dave Ruiz and the response is yes followed by Good Man or Good Person or Good People.
What is the “One Thing” you hope others will appreciate about the Hispanic culture?
The “One Thing” I hope others will appreciate about the Hispanic culture is the importance of Family. Hispanics are a family first culture that value family loyalty, unity, and respect. Hispanics put their children first and aspire and work hard to provide a better life for their children. Hispanics are also a very social society so family gatherings and celebrations are abundant. It is not uncommon for many Hispanic families to gather every Sunday at Mom’s or Grandma’s for lunch or dinner and spend the day enjoying family.
Elisha González Bonnewitz – Fairwinds

Why is it essential to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month?
According to the U.S. Census Bureau, there are 56.6 million Hispanics in the United States or 17.6 percent of the country’s population as of July 2015. Hispanics or Latinos have contributed to American life since the American Revolution, fighting in every war since then. Latinos today continue to advance communities across the country as business executives, entrepreneurs, veterans, teachers, doctors, nurses, artists, athletes, nurses and public servants, among many other professions. Hispanic Heritage Month allows us to recognize their achievements and contributions to our national story.
What legacy do you hope to leave on our society?
That I made a difference, that I was at the table, participated and was engaged in being a champion and making change that benefited all individuals in my community.
What is the “One Thing” you hope others will appreciate about the Hispanic culture?
The love of family, the joy of life and our deep rooted culture.
Robert Newland – Newland Associates

Why is it essential to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month?
Latinos are a part of this great country. Celebrating our differences, which is what makes us all unique, is as important as celebrating that which we have in common.
What is one struggle you see affecting the Latinx people in our community and what solution would you recommend?
Latinos, and minorities in general are disproportionately affected by issues like affordable housing and unemployment. We must continue to make efforts not just for diversity and inclusion, but also for equity.
What legacy do you hope to leave on our society?
I want to make a difference in individuals. Success can be attributed to what you’re able to do, one person at a time.
What is the “One Thing” you hope others will appreciate about the Hispanic culture?
Our food! And of course, I have to admit I’m partial to Puerto Rican food.
Linda Landman Gonzalez – Orlando Magic

Why is it essential to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month?
The more we know and understand about others the better we all will be. Hispanic culture, music, cuisine, history and art is American history.
What is one struggle you see affecting the Latinx people in our community and what solution would you recommend?
Latinex is a broad brush to define Hispanics from many different origins. What affects Mexican migrant workers might not affect Puerto Rican American citizens from the Island or Ohio. Ethnicity in the case of Hispanics is diverse and more indicated by socio economics then other factors.
What legacy do you hope to leave on our society?
That I was engaged, committed and participated.
Joanne Santiago

Why is it essential to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month?
Florida is close to Latin American and the Caribbean and has similar weather to help encourage the relocating of so many Latin American families. Central Florida is a melting pot of different cultures. You have Colombians, Puerto Ricans, Venezuelan, and so many other Latin nationalities.
The Hispanic Heritage Month is a way to celebrate all this different culture and help create an understanding and empathy within other communities.
What is one struggle you see affecting the Latin people in our community, and what solution would you recommend?
Access to education, learning English, rate of graduating students. Like the Hispanic Heritage Scholarship Fund of Metro Orlando and United Way, some organizations are doing a great job trying to help improve this rating.
What legacy do you hope to leave on our society?
I never do things expecting to leave a legacy. I do something because it is the human thing to do. Everybody has a moral responsibility to leave the world better than you get it! If, for any reason, my job in society leaves a legacy, that would be the ”Cherry on the top.”
What is the one thing you hope others will appreciate about the Hispanic culture?
The sense of community, the matriarch nucleus in the Latin families, and if you asked my children “the parties,” all of this have something in common, FAMILY! When we say we need an extra room in our house, we mean it!